I love working with my hands in the medium of silver and stone. When I began my jewelry journey, I was a single mother, just finishing college in another realm. I knew I wanted to learn to create with fire, but I didn’t know where to begin, what supplies to get or where to find a teacher. I was clueless.
After months of studying other artists online in the middle of the night, and watching makers I loved come out with new work, I slowly built my arsenal of tools and knowledge. Some tools I regret purchasing all together, some I should have bought years before I did. But it is all a series of learning curves on this journey of the maker, right?
I cannot claim to be any kind of expert or guru of silversmithing, I am just here willing to tell you what I have learned works best for me and my work. It is my hope you can glean something useful for yourself. And maybe it will help propel you along the winding road of creating beautiful works in your life!