The One Reason I Looked Back

I used to dream about one day creating my own unique jewelry line. I used to bead with plastic Walmart beads and dream about soldering “the real stuff”. But I didn’t know how. So I sat and I dreamt. I wanted to play with fire. I wanted to melt things. I wanted to create unique stuff that I could only see in my head – no one else was making it.

I still dream that! But the one difference now is, I’ve since taught myself how to do those things. I stretched myself. I made mistakes. I burned my fingertips. I tried! I finally got the courage to jump in, both feet. No looking back!

In all honesty, I did look back, but for only one reason – the cost of my beginner’s supplies and tools. It was probably more than I should have spent. Knowing what I know now, there’s definitely some things I wouldn’t have wasted my precious hard earned money on.

I was a single mother at the time I started creating jewelry and I needed every single penny I earned from my 9-5. But I squirreled away a few dollars here and there and I finally had enough to buy some of the supplies for things I’d always wanted to try. I bought a small torch. I bought some silver. And some PMC. A very small package to start out! (I thought that stuff was pricey then, but now… !!)

Looking back 12 years ago, holy cow that seems like forever ago… I was so excited to get started. I’m still so excited when I get to work in my silver. When I started I was a single momma with a precious little son. Now I’m married with 3 more doll babies, all girls! I’m having the time of my life! Yet there’s so little time to create! I have to have a plan and every star has to align for momma to play in her silver. But when that happens, I’m free, my burdens are lifted when I light my torch. When I slice open a new pack of PMC… the possibilities are endless!

If by chance you feel how I felt when I started, excited but nervous to start and frankly a little lost. You’re not sure what you need, but you have a burning inside of you to create with silver… I can help point you to some great beginner tools and supplies, and give you some solid tips to get you started on a good footing.

I’d love for you to join me in the Apprenticeship Program. Pick up some great creation tips, find the tools you need to get started, pick out the supplies that you need to make your dream jewelry line come true. It’s never too late to start working toward your dream! To learn more about the Apprenticeship Program, simply click here… I’d be honored to have you join in!

Many blessings to you,

PS… Like + Share Make Silver Jewelry on Facebook… you know you want to!

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