Sell Your Jewelry: Tell Your Story

In order to sell your handcrafted jewelry well, you’ll need to get personal with your customers and share your story! I know it can be tough to open up at times, but letting your customers know who you are and what makes you tick will help them feel connected with you and make purchasing from you a personal experience.

What’s the best way to tell your story?

This is where marketing comes in. No one way is any better than another, but you might consider the following ideas…

When you are selling at craft shows, be sure to always greet browsers. Often, people who may be interested in buying your products will eventually ask about the story behind your crafts or yourself. This is when you tell your tale!

Not all of us are natural salespeople (especially me!) but after you tell your story several times, it will get much easier. You’re really just telling a story about you and what you enjoy. Remember, no one knows your products like you, so you are the best salesman for your pieces!

If you have decided to create a website for your jewelry, be sure to include a section titled “About the Artist” with a page that tells your story. If you found your hobby in some type of unique history, tell this part of the story as well.

You can also include pictures of you in your workshop/work area. This will help to bring the customer a little closer to you. Be creative and remember that sharing your story online is not much different than sharing it in person.

If you don’t have a website, consider a creating a blog. There are tons of free places out there where you can post an online diary or a blog (short for web log). This is an online diary of sorts, but many businesses use it to showcase their products/services.

On your blog, you can share pictures, information about you and your pieces, send and receive messages, even sell your product. It’s free to sign up for most blogging sites, and can be very valuable in the end when it comes to selling your work!

Always, always include any web address you want to direct customers to on any business cards, flyers, or other advertising that you might do. It does no good to have these addresses if you aren’t going to use them!

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